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Me + You = 5 (2007)

"Dingemans is a gangly wild man and Joanne Fong, his even more unbridled partner in ME + YOU = 5, a Dionysian dynamo. Together this inspired duo devised a novel show about interpersonal communications and the complexities of being alive that was by turns comic, rapturous, raw, stimulating, playful, thoughtful, excessive and, at times, peculiarly touching."-Donald Hutera, Dance Europe Magazine


“This was dance assimilating theatre, using set, props, music and live sound, text, lyrics, video, and voice to great effect, entwining physical metaphors in a multimedia collaboration which went beyond my previous experience of the potential of the medium of dance.”


Direction: Robin Dingemans

Choreographed and perfromaned by Robin Dingemans and Joanne Fong

Video: Peter Anderson

Music: Daniel Mudford

Lights: Guy Hoare


Commissioned by Moose Foundation for the Arts, The Place and Swindon Dance, with support from National Dance Company of Wale and The Jerwood Space.

Anchor 1

Image: Christoph Bolten

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