If society itself was a plaything, to mold and build anew.
An interactive dance performance, using theatrical cues and modes juxtaposed with games and free play to produce a creative space and play with the very fabric of group, community and society.
The children enter and expansive alien space where culture and society are presented as experiments. Traditions, norms and hierarchies are cast aside. Categorised, instructed, and followed, the children are both mode audience and something else. They watch dances set on an ambiguous stage and dance themselves in something which at point resembles a game show. Fighting and struggling with the concept of competition and money. Embracing the cosmos and understanding slavery.
We present to you a society of controlled and ordered by the innumerable boards of people; The association of stars, The union of the moon, The Movement for Free Speed, The collective of being trees, The Royal Loyal Dog Troop (aka The Poop Scoop Group), The Cat Committee, The conglomerate of upside down, The (first order) Authority of the right way up people, Shower Steering Committee, The Bath Office, The Board of Water, The Cinnamon Society, Cardamom Community Club, The Banana Group (aka The Banana Bunch), The Forbidden Fruit Federation, The Supermarket Society for the aid of shopping food (and hyper capitalism), The DIY Institute of Hunting Your Own Food, The Easy Commission, Friends of Fire Foundation, The Foundation of Stones Federation, The centralized bureau for the justice of salt, The orange agency, The Brazilian Wood Branch, The Plastic Club, The Difficult Division, The Loud Service, The quiet service, The Summer League, The Winter Alliance, The Slow Fellowship, The horde of coconuts, The syndicate for singing, The board of dancing. And maybe an intergalactic rabbit (that becomes internacosmotic).
A world that swings between/adventure through the order and chaos, authoritarianism and empowerment, teamwork and hyper individualism.
Supported and funded by: The Swedish Arts Council, Stockholm Stad, Stockholm Län & Weld, Stockholm.